The daily personal bond: ex-votos
Believers can make their prayers more visible by depositing ex-votos in temples. These small objects take many different forms and allude to the believer (simplified portraits) or to what he or she has asked of the god. Very often, the god is thanked for a benefit or a cure he has granted. Here, the person who offered the ex-voto must have been cured of an eye disease after praying to the god!
Illustration (left) : Ex-voto représentant des yeux, Ier-IIe siècle apr. J.-C., tôle de bronze martelée, découvert à Orléans (45).
© (left)Myr Muratet, Inrap
Illustration (right) : Ex-voto représentant le visage du priant, Ier-IIe siècle apr. J.-C., tôle de bronze martelée, découvert à Orléans (45
© (right) Myr Muratet, Inrap