Umbo de bouclier
Saint-Dizier (52) - Musée Municipal
Round conical umbo topped by a point ending in a flat disc (diam. 1.5 cm) and fixed to the wooden part of the shield by 5 rivets. Works with the manipule.
Where to find it
Saint-Dizier (52) - Musée Municipal
17 rue de la Victoire 52100 Saint-Dizier
Commune of discovery
Locality La Tuilerie
Type of intervention
Year of excavation
Chief Scientist
TRUC, Marie-Cécile
Inventory number
D 2006.7.5
Defence ➔ Military equipment
Metal ➔ Ferrous alloy ➔ Metal ➔ Copper alloy ➔ Organic ➔ Leather ➔ Organic ➔ Wood ➔ Poplar
Chronological period
Middle Ages [476 / 1492] ➔ Early Middle Ages [476 / 1000]
H. 6.7 cm, d. 17.5 cm, 320 g
Operation report notice Consult the notice
The museum gallery is supported by the Gandur Foundation for Art.