Peignes, fragments

Saint-Dizier (52) - Musée Municipal

© Musée de Saint-Dizier, C. Philippot

The comb is composed of juxtaposed plates held together by 4 bars connected 2 by 2 by rivets. The comb is composed of juxtaposed plates held together by 4 bars connected 2 by 2 by rivets. This system of rivets is also used in the manufacture of the case. Remains of red polychromy are still visible in several places on the surface of the object and inside the engraved decorations. The comb has been broken into many pieces, eight of which are larger, and has become extremely fragile and difficult to handle. Each manipulation leads to inevitable losses of the material which crumbles. This comb was found more or less in place in its case. The decoration of the comb and the case is essentially composed of double engraved lines (for the comb) and triple lines (for the case) accompanied by a motif of ocelli of different sizes. There is also an openwork quatrefoil design in the central part of the comb.

Where to find it

Saint-Dizier (52) - Musée Municipal
17 rue de la Victoire

52100 Saint-Dizier

Commune of discovery



La Tuilerie

Type of intervention


Year of excavation


Chief Scientist

TRUC, Marie-Cécile

Inventory number

D 2006.7.19


Daily life ➔ Health


Organic ➔ Bones


L. 17.4 cm, l. 8.5 cm,


Marie-Cécile Truc (dir.), Saint-Dizier « La Tuilerie » (Haute-Marne), Trois sépultures d’élite du vie siècle, Caen, Presses universitaires de Caen, 2019, 304 p